Thursday, August 4, 2011

No Signboard Seafood, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

I have some Singaporean food crave and went to try out this newly open No Signboard Seafood at Causeway Bay. Their menu is not extensive comparing to their Singaporean one. Here are a few dishes we tried. 
White Pepper Crab
Their famous white pepper crab is not as peppery as I thought it would be which is to my liking. There is a lot of sauce which I can dip with the mantau and clean the plate.
 Coffee-Cooked Pork Ribs 
The coffee-cooked pork ribs has rich coffee favour. It is a very tasty and unique dish. 

 Sambal Kang Kong
Without sambal doesn't feel like I had Singaporean food. Sambal Kang Kong is always the one to order. This dish is not as spicy as it would be. May be to suit Hong Kong preference?
Mee Goreng
Finished off with mee goreng to stuff with more starch!! :P

Although it is not the same as the one I had in Singapore, but it is good enough for me to satisfy my crave.

No Signboard Seafood
Shop C&D
66-72 Paterson Street
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
2398 9959

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